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West Gippsland Eight Ball League
Home » WGEBL Points System & Player Rankings
Teams are permitted to field a team with a maximum of 34 Points for the Night.
Player rankings will be based on their last 3 years results in the WGEBL or if not enough history, then their previous history in other cue sport events.
10 Point Player
9.5 Point Player
9 Point Player
8.5 Point Player
8 Point Player
7.5 Point Player
7 Point Player
6.5 Point Player
6 Point Player
5.5 Point Player
5 Point Player
# There is no geographical boundary for Players as they will be ranked on their past history in any other League.
# If a player has not played at least 20 frames (total) in the previous 3 seasons they will be ranked on their experience as per their previous competition playing history
# If a player doesn’t play at least a 3rd of the frames available in the current season with the same team they will not qualify for finals
# If a team forfeits an individual player position, then the forfeited position will be given a ranking of 10 points for that round
# Ranking points for any individual player cannot drop by more than 1 point between seasons unless they have only played the one full season.
# The maximum points for any team are 34 points (This is the total of the Highest Ranked 4 players listed on the scoresheet at the start of the Night)
# If a team plays a round with over 34 points at any stage, they will Forfeit the Match
All Players must complete a Player Registration form and answer truthfully the questions about their previous playing grade (this will be checked). The captain must sign to verify the registration form has been filled in correctly, fully, and truthfully. If it is found that the registration form has been completed untruthfully (mistake or otherwise) then that player will forfeit all points and these points will be granted to the opposition player for all rounds played. This player will then be banned from being a member of WGEBL for a period of 3 years from the end of that season.